ghee - clarified butter


ghee recipe- ayurveda with Ann
  • I make a kilo at a time as it lasts a while and if I only do small amounts I find I have to make it too often and then it doesn't always happen.

  • I avoid jars that are too big, the ghee tends to spoil when open for too long and is dipped into too many times. the standard jam jar is perfect.


Place 1kg of organic, unsalted butter in a stainless steel or enamel pan. Over a medium heat cook the butter uncovered for about 15 to 20 minutes. When you see the solids collecting at the bottom of the pan your Ghee is almost ready. Watch the ghee carefully as it can easily burn at this point. You want it to be nice and golden.

When the bubbling of the ghee calms down and the deposits at the bottom brown the ghee is cooked. Alternately a very fine foam may form on top, when it rises the ghee is ready, remove immediately from the heat and cool a little.

The still liquid ghee should now be strained into a metal or glass container, preferably with the aid of a muslin or other fine cloth. Seal with a lid and store in a cool place away from direct light. Do not refrigerate.

Use ghee moderately as a spread and for cooking. It is excellent for cooking as it is a very stable oil and does not burn easily.

Explore YogaVeda

Yoga et Ayurveda pour tous à Castelsarrasin, Moissac et à Durfort Lacapelette en Tarn et Garonne avec Ann Johnston. Cours Collectifs et Individuels, Prénatal et Doux. Conseils, Massages Ayurvédiques et stages mensuels.

Yoga classes, Ayurvedic consultations and Massage in the Moissac, Castelsarrasin a and Durfort Lacapelettes areas. Depuis 2004

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